Häufigste Wörter



Wortart Keine Daten
Numerus Keine Daten
Genus Keine Daten
Worttrennung Keine Daten


Deutsch Häufigkeit Bulgarisch
The sitting closed at 16.35
(in ca. 100% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 16.35
The sitting closed at 16.05
(in ca. 96% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 16.05
The sitting closed at 12.10
(in ca. 96% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 12.10
The sitting closed at 21.45
(in ca. 95% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 21.45
The sitting closed at 22.25
(in ca. 94% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 22.25
The sitting opened at 9.00
(in ca. 92% aller Fälle)
The sitting opened at 9.00
The sitting opened at 09.00
(in ca. 90% aller Fälle)
The sitting opened at 09.00
The sitting closed at 22.50
(in ca. 85% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 22.50
Deutsch Häufigkeit Estnisch
(in ca. 100% aller Fälle)
de ( The sitting opened at 09.00 )
et ( The sitting opened at 09.00 )
The sitting closed at 22.25
(in ca. 97% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 22.25
The sitting closed at 21.45
(in ca. 94% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 21.45
Deutsch Häufigkeit Finnisch
The sitting closed at 21.45
(in ca. 96% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 21.45
The sitting closed at 16.05
(in ca. 52% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 16.05
The sitting opened at 09.00
(in ca. 43% aller Fälle)
The sitting opened at 09.00
Deutsch Häufigkeit Französisch
(in ca. 100% aller Fälle)
de ( The sitting closed at 21.45 )
fr ( The sitting closed at 21.45 )
The sitting closed at 12.10
(in ca. 96% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 12.10
The sitting closed at 16.05
(in ca. 90% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 16.05
Deutsch Häufigkeit Griechisch
The sitting closed at 22.25
(in ca. 100% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 22.25
The sitting closed at 16.05
(in ca. 55% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 16.05
Deutsch Häufigkeit Italienisch
(in ca. 90% aller Fälle)
de Zweitens : Die Europäische Kommission hat mit der Berichterstattung vom ehemaligen Kommissar Mario Monti unter der Überschrift " Putting citizens at the heart of the Union " einen interessanten und wertvollen Beitrag dafür geleistet , wie es gelingen kann , die großen positiven Impulse des Binnenmarktes mit sozialen Elementen des gemeinsamen Verbrauchermarktes zusammenzuführen .
it In secondo luogo , con la relazione dell ' ex Commissario Monti intitolata " Putting citizens at the heart of the Union ” , la Commissione europea ha dato un contributo interessante e prezioso su come riuscire a coniugare i grandi impulsi positivi del mercato interno con gli elementi sociali del mercato comune dei consumatori .
The sitting closed at 16.35
(in ca. 100% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 16.35
The sitting closed at 22.25
(in ca. 100% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 22.25
The sitting opened at 09.00
(in ca. 78% aller Fälle)
The sitting opened at 09.00
Deutsch Häufigkeit Lettisch
The sitting closed at 16.35
(in ca. 100% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 16.35
The sitting closed at 16.05
(in ca. 69% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 16.05
The sitting opened at 09.00
(in ca. 66% aller Fälle)
The sitting opened at 09.00
Deutsch Häufigkeit Litauisch
The sitting closed at 16.35
(in ca. 100% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 16.35
The sitting closed at 16.05
(in ca. 52% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 16.05
The sitting opened at 09.00
(in ca. 48% aller Fälle)
The sitting opened at 09.00
Deutsch Häufigkeit Niederländisch
(in ca. 100% aller Fälle)
de Herr Präsident ! 2001 wurde vom Marineministerium in Irland das Programm „ Lost at Sea Scheme “ eingeführt .
nl - Mijnheer de Voorzitter , in 2001 heeft het Ierse ministerie van Maritieme Zaken de “ Lost at Sea ” - regeling in Ierland ingevoerd .
Deutsch Häufigkeit Polnisch
The sitting closed at 22.25
(in ca. 100% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 22.25
The sitting closed at 21.45
(in ca. 100% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 21.45
The sitting closed at 12.10
(in ca. 97% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 12.10
The sitting opened at 09.00
(in ca. 74% aller Fälle)
The sitting opened at 09.00
Deutsch Häufigkeit Portugiesisch
The sitting closed at 16.35
(in ca. 100% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 16.35
The sitting closed at 21.45
(in ca. 100% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 21.45
The sitting opened at 09.00
(in ca. 88% aller Fälle)
The sitting opened at 09.00
Deutsch Häufigkeit Rumänisch
The sitting closed at 12.10
(in ca. 100% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 12.10
The sitting closed at 16.05
(in ca. 98% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 16.05
The sitting closed at 22.25
(in ca. 97% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 22.25
The sitting closed at 16.35
(in ca. 96% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 16.35
The sitting closed at 21.45
(in ca. 95% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 21.45
The sitting closed at 22.50
(in ca. 89% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 22.50
The sitting opened at 9.00
(in ca. 84% aller Fälle)
The sitting opened at 9.00
The sitting opened at 09.00
(in ca. 82% aller Fälle)
The sitting opened at 09.00
Deutsch Häufigkeit Schwedisch
(in ca. 100% aller Fälle)
de The attempt to reconcile these interests at the expense of Eritrea by territorial partition recalls the old scramble for Africa .
sv The attempt to reconcile these interests at the expense of Eritrea by territorial partition recalls the old scramble for Africa .
The sitting opened at 09.00
(in ca. 94% aller Fälle)
The sitting opened at 09.00
The sitting closed at 16.05
(in ca. 81% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 16.05
Deutsch Häufigkeit Slowakisch
(in ca. 80% aller Fälle)
de ( The sitting closed at 16.05 )
sk ( The sitting closed at 16.05 )
The sitting closed at 22.25
(in ca. 98% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 22.25
The sitting closed at 16.35
(in ca. 97% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 16.35
The sitting closed at 12.10
(in ca. 96% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 12.10
The sitting closed at 21.45
(in ca. 94% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 21.45
The sitting opened at 09.00
(in ca. 82% aller Fälle)
The sitting opened at 09.00
The sitting closed at 16.05
(in ca. 82% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 16.05
Deutsch Häufigkeit Slowenisch
The sitting closed at 16.35
(in ca. 97% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 16.35
The sitting closed at 21.45
(in ca. 94% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 21.45
The sitting closed at 12.10
(in ca. 93% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 12.10
The sitting closed at 22.25
(in ca. 91% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 22.25
The sitting closed at 16.05
(in ca. 81% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 16.05
The sitting opened at 09.00
(in ca. 74% aller Fälle)
The sitting opened at 09.00
Deutsch Häufigkeit Spanisch
The sitting closed at 22.25
(in ca. 100% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 22.25
The sitting closed at 21.45
(in ca. 92% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 21.45
The sitting opened at 09.00
(in ca. 74% aller Fälle)
The sitting opened at 09.00
The sitting closed at 16.05
(in ca. 71% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 16.05
Deutsch Häufigkeit Tschechisch
The sitting closed at 16.35
(in ca. 96% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 16.35
The sitting closed at 21.45
(in ca. 94% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 21.45
Deutsch Häufigkeit Ungarisch
The sitting closed at 12.10
(in ca. 100% aller Fälle)
The sitting closed at 12.10
The sitting opened at 09.00
(in ca. 54% aller Fälle)
The sitting opened at 09.00


Das Wort at hat unter den 100.000 häufigsten Wörtern den Rang 2238. Pro eine Million Wörter kommt es durchschnittlich 34.61 mal vor.

2233. Tom
2234. Satz
2235. getrennt
2236. Prinz
2237. Errichtung
2238. at
2239. Aufnahmen
2240. Grenzen
2241. eigenes
2242. Großteil
2243. vorgesehen


Semantisch ähnliche Wörter


  • at the
  • Live at
  • Live at the
  • Night at the
  • at the Gates
  • at the Opera
  • Enemy at the Gates
  • at the End of
  • Night at the Opera
  • at the End of the
  • at the Gates of
  • Piper at the Gates


Orthographisch ähnliche Wörter



Keine Daten

Ähnlich klingende Wörter

Keine Daten


Keine Daten



Keine Daten

In diesem Wort enthaltene Wörter

a t

Abgeleitete Wörter




Verwendung in anderen Quellen



Abkürzung für

  • AT:
    • Alten Testaments
    • Access and Terminals
    • Allgemeine Teil
    • Aircraft Transport
    • Acqui Terme
    • Airline Tycoon
    • Angestellten Tanzlehrer
    • Autogenes Training

Enthalten in Abkürzungen

  • UCLA:
    • University of California , Los Angeles
  • SAR:
    • Special Administrative Region
    • Seas at Risk
  • FSA:
    • Farm Security Administration
    • Federation for Sport at Altitude
  • BSA:
    • Bund Sozialdemokratischer Akademiker
    • British School at Athens
    • British Sociological Association
  • UAM:
    • University of Arkansas at Monticello
  • UB:
    • Universitat de Barcelona
    • University at Buffalo
  • BSR:
    • British School at Rome
  • UCSB:
    • University of California , Santa Barbara
  • UTA:
    • University of Texas at Arlington
  • SOLAS:
    • Safety of Life at Sea
  • UIC:
    • University of Illinois at Chicago
  • UAB:
    • University of Alabama at Birmingham
    • Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • UTD:
    • University of Texas at Dallas
  • UTEP:
    • University of Texas at El Paso
  • ASCSA:
    • American School of Classical Studies at Athens
  • VaR:
    • Value at Risk
  • UIS:
    • University of Illinois in Springfield
  • LSTC:
    • Livermore Software Technology Corporation
    • Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago
  • UNCG:
    • University of North Carolina at Greensboro
  • UAPB:
    • University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
  • UALR:
    • University of Arkansas at Little Rock
  • PIER:
    • Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk
  • UCCS:
    • University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
  • UTSA:
    • University of Texas at San Antonio


Film Jahr
Hooligans at War: North vs. South 2015
Louis C.K.: Live at the Comedy Store 2015
A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night 2014
Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb 2014
Guns N' Roses Appetite for Democracy 3D Live at Hard Rock Las Vegas 2014
Stop at Nothing: The Lance Armstrong Story 2014
Dinner at Tiffani's 2014
Terror at the Mall 2014
I Want to Speak at NASA 2014
Scatter My Ashes at Bergdorf's 2013
Shootout at Wadala 2013
Breaking at the Edge 2013
Axeman at Cutter's Creek 2013
A Fragile Trust: Plagiarism, Power, and Jayson Blair at the New York Times 2013
Foals Live at the Royal Albert Hall 2013
Muse - Live at Rome Olympic Stadium 2013
House at the End of the Street 2012
A Place at the Table 2012
John Dies at the End 2012
Love at First Sight 2012
At Any Price 2012
Village at the End of the World 2012
Gunfight at Yuma 2012
Men at Lunch 2012
Mysore Magic: Yoga at the Source 2012
Jeff, Who Lives at Home 2011
Laugh at My Pain 2011
Last Call at the Oasis 2011
The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall 2011
Two Years at Sea 2011
Death at a Funeral 2010
Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian 2009
The Men Who Stare at Goats 2009
Someone's Knocking at the Door 2009
Love at First Hiccup 2009
Naked Ambition: An R Rated Look at an X Rated Industry 2009
Accused at 17 2009
Miracle at St. Anna 2008
Glory at Sea 2008
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End 2007
Margot at the Wedding 2007
Death at a Funeral 2007
Shootout at Lokhandwala 2007
Encounters at the End of the World 2007
Right at Your Door 2006
Night at the Museum 2006
Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont 2005
Triumph at Carville a Tale of Leprosy in America 2005
A Home at the End of the World 2004
Incident at Loch Ness 2004
One Night at McCool's 2001
Enemy at the Gates 2001
A Shot at Glory 2000
Things You Can Tell Just by Looking at Her 2000
At First Sight 1999
3 Ninjas: High Noon at Mega Mountain 1998
Dancing at Lughnasa 1998
A Night at the Roxbury 1998
Murder at 1600 1997
Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills 1996
Weekend at Bernie's II 1993
Men at Work 1990
Wild at Heart 1990
Weekend at Bernie's 1989
Deadbeat at Dawn 1988
Christmas at Pee Wee's Playhouse 1988
At Close Range 1986
Menudo at pandesal 1985
Fast Times at Ridgemont High 1982
Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl 1982
Love at First Bite 1979
At the Earth's Core 1976
At Long Last Love 1975
Picnic at Hanging Rock 1975
The Island at the Top of the World 1974
Carry on at Your Convenience 1971
The Party at Kitty and Stud's 1970
The Bridge at Remagen 1969
Murder at the Gallop 1963
Gunfight at Comanche Creek 1963
Breakfast at Tiffany's 1961
Judgment at Nuremberg 1961
Girls at Sea 1958
Decision at Sundown 1957
Gunfight at the O.K. Corral 1957
Shoot-Out at Medicine Bend 1957
Blue Murder at St. Trinian's 1957
The Bridges at Toko-Ri 1954
Home at Seven 1952
So Long at the Fair 1950
Deadline at Dawn 1946
Bowery at Midnight 1942
A Chump at Oxford 1940
Crimes at the Dark House 1940
Saps at Sea 1940
At the Circus 1939
A Day at the Races 1937
A Night at the Opera 1935
Dinner at Eight 1933


Künstler/Gruppe Titel Jahr
Linkin Park Bleed It Out [Live At Milton Keynes] 2008
Ozzy Osbourne Bark At The Moon 1983
Bright Eyes At The Bottom Of Everything 2005
Mase Lookin' At Me [feat. Puff Daddy] (Album Version)
The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart Young Adult Friction 2009
Panic! At The Disco I Write Sins Not Tragedies (MTV VMA Performance 2006) 2006
At The Drive-In Pattern Against User 2000
Alison Krauss When You Say Nothing At All 1995
Deep Blue Something Breakfast At Tiffany's 1993
At The Drive-In Arcarsenal 2000


Sinn Kontext Beispiele
  • ISBN 0939657619 - Seventy Years of Inter-Religious Activity at Oomoto , Oomoto Foundation , 1997 - A
  • ISBN 3-406-39911-8 . Joan Stidham Nist : Working at the International Youth Library . In : The
  • ( Hrsg . ) : The European Union at the Dawn of a New Century . Euroius
  • on the War , 1941 . The World at War , 1941 . A Cartoon History of
  • Jeffrey Wagner 1998 : Stille Helden ( Miracle at Midnight ) als Henrik Koster 2000 : Warhammer
  • 2010 : Auch Liebe wird erwachsen ( Sundays at Tiffany ’s ) - Regie : Mark Piznarski
  • Verena Kilchling ) , englisch : The Miracle at Speedy Motors . 2008 Übles Spiel mit Mma
  • die Fortsetzung Wieder Ärger mit Bernie ( Weekend at Bernie ’s II ) . [ [ Kategorie
  • 1934 : The Social Register 1934 : Success at Any Price 1934 : The Scarlet Letter
  • 1933 : I Adore You 1934 : Murder at Monte Carlo 1935 : The Case of the
  • 1914 : The Star Boarder 1914 : Mabel at the Wheel 1914 : Twenty Minutes of Love
  • Howard Shore , Annie Lennox „ A Kiss at the End of the Rainbow “ - A
  • ersetzt . 1983 erschien Osbournes drittes Studioalbum Bark at the Moon , für dessen Cover und Videoauskopplung
  • 2010 erschien sein zweites Soloalbum , One Step at a Time . Aus diesem Anlass ging er
  • Anfang 1990 erschien die voraus ausgekoppelte Single Staring at the Sun , die in den offiziellen UK-Singlecharts
  • of Rock aufgenommen und als Live-Album No Sleep at All veröffentlicht . Nach einer kurzen Auszeit Anfang
  • 1997 - Greatest Hits Live 1997 - Live at the Isle of Wight Festival 1997 - ELP
  • ) BBC Radio 1 Live in Concert Live at the Town & Country Club London 1990 (
  • The Roundhouse Tapes 2010 : In Live Concert at the Royal Albert Hall 2006 : Collector ’s
  • Love Peace Concert 1978 ( 2000 ) Live at the Jamaica World Music Festival MoBay 1982 (
  • Nevada ( ab 2012 ) University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa , Hawaii ( ab 2012 ) Brigham
  • Stadt in Colorado . Die University of Colorado at Boulder ist die bedeutendste Universität des Universitätensystems von
  • State University mit der ehemaligen University of Tennessee at Nashville im Jahr 1979 . Derzeit sind hier
  • ( kommerziell ) CAPE-1 ( University of Louisiana at Lafayette , USA ) CP 3 ( California
  • ( Story of a German refugee from Danzig at the end of World War II . )
  • its Neighbours 900-1250 . In : The Battle at the Lech , 955 , a study in
  • : " Drastic Measures to Defend the Reich at the Oder and the Rhine … " A
  • Germany and ist Neighbours 900-1250 , The Battle at the Lech , 955 , a study in
  • a Joke ( Drayton/Sadler/Shocklee ) - 3:17 Incident at 66.6 FM ( Ridenhour/Sadler/Shocklee ) - 1:37 Welcome
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  • “ ( Filmdialog ) - 1:12 „ Sunshine at Last “ ( Koot ) - 4:31 „
  • , Too ! ( Parlophone ) 1980 Look at Me Now ( Parlophone ) 1995 Green and
  • die Mauren erhielt der Ort den Namen Qalat at Yazula , d.h. „ Burg der Gazules “
  • unter denen die Hauptburg , das Qal ’ at Ayyūb , mit achteckigen Mudejar-Türmen oberhalb der Stadt
  • eine Zitadelle errichten , die heute Qal ' at al-Mudiq genannt wird . Diese wurde Anfang des
  • sardische Name des Ortes stammt vom Lateinischen decimo at urbe Karali miliario , was „ 10 Meilen
  • - Angriff auf Selonia Star Wars : Showdown at Centerpoint ( 1995 ) , dt . Showdown
  • 2006 erschien mit „ Star Wars : Empire at War “ für den PC das erste Spiel
  • ) Kessel ( In Star Wars : Empire at War als Kossal bezeichnet . ) ist ein
  • auf dem Star-Wars-Universum . Star Wars : Ambush at Corellia ( 1995 ) , dt . Star
  • den Blues , mit Jacques Berndorf 2007 Live at Dixieland Jubilee 2009 Samiras Blues , mit Jacques
  • Africa ( Caedmon ) 1968 : Eartha Kitt at Tivoli ( Metronome Records ) 1970 : Sentimental
  • 105 Jazz und als Solo-Pianist fort . Live at Sweet Basil , 1989 , Enja 6008 ,
  • , 1989 ) Meditations on Integration ( Mingus at Monterey , 1964 ) Moods in Mango (
  • tell them - a fair and balanced look at the right ist an den Slogan fair and
  • By 'n by hard times comes a knocking at the door Then my old Kentucky home ,
  • We will fling the winding-sheet O'er the despot at our feet , And dye it deep in
  • „ This , without doubt , is Queen at their very best . [ … ] Queen
  • : Proceedings of Red Sea Project IV held at the University of Southampton September 2008 , edited
  • ) , ( Proceedings of the international symposium at the Swedish Institute in Athens 8 , 1992
  • the study of the mosaics of St. Sophia at Istanbul . Dumbarton Oaks Studies 8 , Washington
  • sponsored by the Center for the Ancient Mediterranean at Columbia University , 23-24 March 2002 . Leiden
  • Filminstitut ) Neuer Berliner Kunstverein Video-Forum Transmediale Videoart at Midnight Videonale Ursula Frohne ( Hrsg . )
  • : 55 Tage in Peking ( 55 Days at Peking ) 1964 : Es geschah um 8
  • ) , in : Ursula Hübner , Angels at the Abyss ( Ausstellungskatalog ) , Galerie 5020
  • : 55 Tage in Peking ( 55 Days at Peking ) 1964 : Der Untergang des Römischen
  • ; Conservation of resources : A new attempt at conceptualizing stress . American Psychologist , 1989 ;
  • : evidence of a genetic link . Read at : Athabaskan Language Conference , Moricetown , BC
  • : evidence for a genetic relationship . Read at : 38th Conference on American Indian Languages (
  • proceedings of the sessions related to steel structures at Structures Congress 89 . '' The Society ,
  • Kleine Pauly Peter Connolly : Greece and Rome at War Victor Davis Hanson : Der Krieg in
  • . David S. Potter : The Roman Empire at bay . AD 180-395 . Routledge , London
  • 0-415-04969-5 David S. Potter : The Roman empire at Bay , AD 180-395 . 2004 , ISBN
  • . David S. Potter : The Roman empire at Bay . AD 180-395 . 2004 , ISBN
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