Häufigste Wörter



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Deutsch Häufigkeit Dänisch
(in ca. 100% aller Fälle)
de I will vote against Turkey .
da I will vote against Turkey .
I will vote against Turkey
(in ca. 83% aller Fälle)
I will vote against Turkey
Deutsch Häufigkeit Englisch
I will vote against Turkey
(in ca. 81% aller Fälle)
I will vote against Turkey
Deutsch Häufigkeit Italienisch
(in ca. 94% aller Fälle)
de Ich bin ebenfalls erfreut darüber , dass wir durch die Erarbeitung einer von allen Fraktionen gemeinsam getragenen Entschließung beschlossen haben , den Behörden von Ankara gemeinsam eine eindeutige Botschaft zu übermitteln , die insbesondere die folgende Forderung umfasst : " The European Parliament calls for the case against HADEP to be dropped . "
it Plaudo altresì alla decisione , tramite la messa a punto di una risoluzione comune a tutti i gruppi , di rivolgere insieme un messaggio chiaro alle autorità di Ankara ed in particolare il seguente : " The European Parliament calls for the case against Hadep to be dropped " .
Deutsch Häufigkeit Niederländisch
I will vote against Turkey
(in ca. 100% aller Fälle)
I will vote against Turkey
Deutsch Häufigkeit Portugiesisch
I will vote against Turkey
(in ca. 100% aller Fälle)
I will vote against Turkey
Deutsch Häufigkeit Spanisch
I will vote against Turkey
(in ca. 96% aller Fälle)
I will vote against Turkey


Das Wort against hat unter den 100.000 häufigsten Wörtern den Rang 36847. Pro eine Million Wörter kommt es durchschnittlich 1.38 mal vor.

36842. stuft
36843. Dienstgrade
36844. 'm
36845. Partizipation
36846. NSU
36847. against
36848. Erbprinz
36849. Cain
36850. Maker
36851. Lupe
36852. ausgedehntes


Semantisch ähnliche Wörter


  • against the
  • War against


Orthographisch ähnliche Wörter



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Ähnlich klingende Wörter

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Keine Daten

In diesem Wort enthaltene Wörter

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Abkürzung für


Enthalten in Abkürzungen

  • GAA:
    • Goals Against Average
  • GLAAD:
    • Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation
  • WAVPM:
    • Women Against Violence in Pornography and Media
  • MADD:
    • Mothers Against Drunk Driving
  • FARE:
    • Football Against Racism in Europe
  • ILAE:
    • International League Against Epilepsy
  • C-TPAT:
    • Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism
  • INACH:
    • International Network Against Cyber Hate
  • RAAD:
    • Republican Action Against Drugs
  • CANE:
    • Campaign Against Nuclear Energy
  • PACI:
    • Partnering Against Corruption Initiative
  • GCAP:
    • Global Call for Action against Poverty
  • MAUM:
    • Movement Against Uranium Mining
  • WANE:
    • Women Against Nuclear Energy
  • AAFI:
    • Australians Against Further Immigration
  • ILDAV:
    • International League of Doctors Against Vivisection
  • ECAD:
    • European Cities Against Drugs


Film Jahr
Against Night 2015
The Case Against 8 2014
Against the Wild 2014
Against the Sun 2014
The Case Against 8 2014
Against the Grain 2013
I Against I 2012
Girls Against Boys 2012
Bobby Fischer Against the World 2011
Against the Current 2009
Waqt: The Race Against Time 2005
Against the Ropes 2004
Against All Odds 1984
Against All Flags 1952
The People Against O'Hara 1951
Steel Against the Sky 1941


Künstler/Gruppe Titel Jahr
Rise Against Give It All 2004
Cage The Elephant Back Against The Wall 2008
Rise Against Under The Knife 2006
Rise Against Savior 2008
Rise Against Behind Closed Doors 2006
At The Drive-In Pattern Against User 2000
Rage Against The Machine Revolver 1996
Rage Against The Machine Killing In The Name 1991
Peter Bjorn And John Up Against The Wall 2006
Rise Against Swing Life Away 2003


Sinn Kontext Beispiele
  • fight
  • wall
  • brick
  • unrestricted
  • Execute
  • Privatperson . Robin Banksy : Banging your head against a brick wall . Verlag Weapons of Mass
  • and to Tupac Amaru II , who fought against the Conquer with his Quechua indios . Acà
  • the Creation , the cruel god Moloch rebelled against the authority of Marduk the Creator . Moloch
  • Ma ’ rakatuna Ma’a al-Yahud " Our fight against the Jews . " ,1950 ; wieder Jedda
  • genocide
  • struggle
  • the
  • and
  • humanity
  • , A. : The beginning of the proceedings against the Aragonese Templars , in : God and
  • containing also the Refutation of the Objections urged against his Wisdom and Goodness . Aberdeen , 1816
  • Colburn and Bentley , 1830 The arguments advanced against the enfranchisement of the Jews , considered in
  • . The Rights of Christian Church , asserted against the Romish and all other Priests , who
  • nation has been engaged in a lawless conspiracy against the decencies of modern civilization . Der Morgenthau-Plan
  • fish and his great whale , and poized against them in the scale . Wherein also ,
  • happiness and safety and is most effectually secured against the danger of maladministration ; and that ,
  • the furtherance of an international dispute or else against foreign nationals within the territory or the jurisdiction
  • Krebsbekämpfung ( im englischen Original : European Code against Cancer ) ist ein Verhaltenskodex , beziehungsweise ein
  • gegen Drogen ( ECAD ) , von Europe against Drugs ( EURAD ) und Mitglied des internationalen
  • aus aller Welt im Verein Rainbow International Association against Drugs zusammen , mit dem Ziel , sich
  • Menschen gegen Krebs , als Schwesterorganisation von People against Cancer in den USA . Von 1998 bis
  • 1936 ) 25 The wars of Frederick II against the Ibelins in Syria and Cyprus by Philip
  • ) : Orosius . Seven books of history against the pagans . Liverpool 2010 . Adolf Lippold
  • ISBN 0-7007-1224-0 Harris Birkeland : Old muslim opposition against the interpretation of the Koran . Oslo 1955
  • Holistic Reductionism . The Case against the Case against Carnap , in : La Philosophie autrichienne .
  • spielten einige Konzerte unter dem Motto „ Rock against Communism “ , weitere Bands schlossen sich an
  • Im Sommer 1982 nahmen sie an der Rock against Reagan Tour teil und tourten Ende des Jahres
  • eine Karriere beim Film zu verfolgen . 5 against the House markierte 1955 sein Debüt als Drehbuchautor
  • ein deutscher Musiker und Sänger des deutschen Rock against Communism . Er spielte in verschiedenen Bandprojekten und
  • Myth and Reality und The True Europes Revolt against the Modern World '' ) Richard H. Drake
  • Scribner 's Sons , New York The Revolt against Civilization : The Menace of the UnderMan .
  • : The Black Book . The Nazi Crime against the Jewish People , 1981 .
  • : 1955-1960 : From the Workers ’ Struggle against Bureaucracy to Revolution in the Age of Modern
  • gegen Fundamentalismus jeder Art : " I ’m against fundamentalism of any sort ; I think we
  • , that the dunces are all in confederacy against him “ . Der fette , faule ,
  • und gleichzeitig Menschenkinder hungern lässt ( make war against his brother , keep his neighbours children starving
  • this is true , although all logic argues against it . ) Übersetzung : Es gibt eine
  • the machine that our music has been raging against for two decades ... Dont mistake me ,
  • K.C. to investigate ; he found no evidence against Lane , but apparrently didnt like the free
  • dictatorial bearing , the threats they throw out against the Border States , as they call them
  • like rubbing the edges of document and memory/fiction against one another . I like the friction that
  • Reich , 1972 Lucy Davidowicz : The War against the Jews , 1975 Louis S. Snyder :
  • zweiten Mal diese Auszeichnung errang . The Plot against America . Houghton Mifflin : New York 2004
  • Wayne S. Charles A. Lindbergh and the Battle against American Intervention in World War II . Harcourt
  • S. 5-33 Conrad Wood : First Moplah Rebellion against British Rule in Malabar . In : Modern
  • : Regulation by degradation , a cellular defense against deoxyribonucleotide pool imbalances . In : Mutation research
  • u. a. : The oxidative burst protects plants against pathogen attack : mechanism and role as an
  • of urine samples from patients treated by nitroxoline against mycoplasmas . In : J Chemother 4 ,
  • linear minimalistic ( MIDGE ) vectors confers protection against Leishmania major infection in mice . In :
  • Begünstigten aufgeteilt werden ( ausgenommen von der Rule against perpetuities sind bestimmte gemeinnützige Trust ) . Die
  • sind bestimmte gemeinnützige Trust ) . Die Rule against perpetuities gilt jedoch nicht im liechtensteinischen Recht .
  • diese Offenlegung ausdrücklich ausschließt . Durch die Rule against perpetuities soll verhindert werden , dass es langfristig
  • Rechnung etabliert . Dokumente gegen Akkzept ( Documents against Accept ) Kunde verpflichtet sich über einen akzeptierten
  • er als Präsident der International Association of Lawyers against Nuclear Arms ( IALANA ) . 2001 gründete
  • . Er wurde Projektleiter für das Catholic Committee against Famine and for Development . Chico Whitaker war
  • und mit einem Einreiseverbot belegt . The Hague against Justice . Center for Serbian Studies , Belgrad
  • Kriminalität ( englischer Originaltitel Prevention of and Fight against Crime Programme ) des Kommissars für Justiz ,
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